Friday, July 23, 2010

So much fun, it was banned by the City Council - Ford Erickson pt.2

Small towns are so fun.

Francesco Clemente

"I think the most interesting time is always now."
-Francesco Clemente

I'm not a fan of his stuff and I don't know if he's right. Still, it got me thinking.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ford Erickson

I lived with Ford for a semester. It was great. Here is a message he recently posted on facebook about an upcoming waterfight. Ford probably has more fun than anyone you know.

"Subject: Battle of SMITH PARK this Saturday...THE RULES OF WAR are complete. I like grapes.
Battle of SMITH PARK
This Saturday.

Hello my people. Times have been hard. The westside has been blockading us here on the eastside so our provisions are limited to bread and grapes. But it does not matter THIS IS THE LAST BATTLE UNTIL NEXT YEAR...I must fight. We need every last man, woman and child.

I returned from the council of the nobles HERE ARE THE RULES OF WAR:

-Water balloon launchers are ok, but CANNOT be used inside the walking track at Smith Park.

-Water noodles are ok. This was a hard one. It just stressed me out too much. Just dont be annoying about it.

-BUT none of those really hard nerf swords.


It wouldnt hurt for everyone to have a shield and/or some kind of armor.

-I love you."
I don't what the deal is with the Confederate flag, but look at how well Ford takes on his role as commander.